A Hot-Topic Discussion on Federal, State and Local Tax Credits and Incentives and Other Tax Issues and How the Current Opportunities Look to Investors
In recent years, the renewable energy sector has enjoyed a favored position, with support from financial incentives, government officials and public opinion. In past months this area has made more news, with reports of solar manufacturers in bankruptcy, the clock ticking on key tax grants, and falling prices for solar technology.
Join us for an up-to-date briefing on what is driving recent renewable energy deals, including evolving federal, state and local tax incentives; potential tax risks; and reasons why some investors are still bullish on the market. Speakers with tax and investor expertise will discuss the current incentives, deal structures, and market situation, identify issues to watch during these challenging economic times and answer your questions.
Jane C. Luxton, Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP
Luke Coombs, Managing Director, WTAS
Jonathan D. Jaffrey, CEO, Renewable Social Benefit Funds, L3C
Todd B. Reinstein, Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP
Parvin Van Enger, Director, WTAS
Register online at http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1015672.
Questions? Please contact Brian Dolan at dolanb@pepperlaw.com or 215.981.4568.