
Definitive Solar Institute

A community for solar development professionals.

Will 2015 be the Breakout Year for Solar Power in Texas?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015 9:00am - 10:00am EST  
Host: Definitive Solar Institute
By: Charlie Hemmeline, Executive Director, Texas Solar Power Association

Charlie Hemmeline, executive director of the Texas Solar Power Association (TSPA), will discuss recent trends and developments in solar power, and share his outlook for advancements in supportive policy as Texas’ legislature convenes. This renowned oil and gas state is also a global leader in renewable energy production. Solar developers and investors alike are eager to extend the success wind power has experienced in this energy state. Although the potential is large, solar has lagged other energy producers in terms of regional and state support. TSPA has been established to be a statewide industry trade association focused on eliminating the roadblocks that have prevented solar from wide acceptance in the lone star state.



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Charlie Hemmeline
Charlie Hemmeline

Executive Director, Texas Solar Power Association

Charlie Hemmeline is the Executive Director of the Texas Solar Power Association. A native Texan, he returned to Austin after more than 8 years with the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington, DC leading innovative programs for solar and energy efficiency. Serving originally under President George W. Bush and later President Obama, Charlie led wide-ranging efforts to break down the barriers to mainstream solar and reduce the soft costs of implementation. Highlights included co-founding the Solar America Initiative’s market transformation portfolio and flagship Solar America Cities program in partnership with Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. Charlie holds a master’s degree in Public Service & Administration and a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, both from Texas A&M University.